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Quesnel and District 4-H Council

4-H Council

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Contact Us:

Erin Kishkan
Key Leader and Council President
Phone: 2509916654
Erin Rossmann
District Council VP
Phone: 2509918228
Gwen Dillabough
District Council director
Phone: 2509923785

What Is 4-H?

The goal of the 4-H program is youth development. The objectives of 4-H clubs are knowledge, leadership, citizenship and personal development.

4-H is an organization dedicated to young people. The purpose of the 4-H program is to prepare girls and boys for their future as adult citizens. 4-H stands for head, heart, hands and health. The 4-H pledge describes the significance of the four H's.

I Pledge:

My HEAD to clearer thinking,
My HEART to greater loyalty,
My HANDS to larger service,
My HEALTH to better living,
For My Club, My Community, My Country and My Worlk


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